How do visitors
rate our hotel?

Hotel Karpatia **** in Humenné is a popular place for relaxation as well as business meetings.

We are glad that our guests gladly return to our hotel. Read reviews from our customers and come see for yourself. We are looking forward to your visit.

Hotel Karpatia reviews

Tomáš Tejbus
chef at the Grand Hotel Kempinski

May good food be a celebration of every successful day!

Ondrej, Andrea and little Saška

Tonight will be remembered forever, full of experiences from a wonderful super wedding that was not wrong. We felt very comfortable, we decided as wedding guests to spend the night in one of the comfortable rooms. Thank you for the quality service, delicious food, comfort in the room. We are looking forward to another stay and we will definitely be happy to visit here again.

Púčekovci from Dubnica nad Váhom

Thank you very much for the great service, beautiful, clean cozy rooms, helpful and friendly staff. We were satisfied and I believe that we will still have the opportunity to return here. WE THANK YOU!